2016 International Symposium on Environmental Art in Taiwan
2016年,在教育部及基隆市政府的指導下,於迎接基隆建港130周年慶同時,國立海洋科技博物館特別結合基隆市文化局、慶陽海洋企業股份有限公司聯合主 辦本次論壇活動,邀集國內、外知名藝術家及多年來一直持續辦理環境藝術計畫的關渡自然公園與觀樹教育基金會,共同與會分享環境藝術創作過程中的收穫與感 動,及討論環境藝術在台灣未來的發展與期許,讓我們以擁抱海洋之母為起點,思考如何體認環境永續的重要性。
The National Museum of Marine Science & Technology and the Keelung City Government are happy to host this symposium about International Environmental Art. We are pleased to invite speakers from different countries to share with us information and images on topics related to environmental art. In this way we hope to play a role in promoting environmental art, convey the concept of ocean resource sustainability and build a limitless future in Taiwan.
09:00~09:30 報到 Registration
09:30~09:45 開幕式及主辦單位致詞 Opening Ceremony
09:45~10:10 專題演講:艾婕音Jane Ingram Allen(US)/ Envisioning the Future of Our Oceans
10:10~10:25 大合照&茶敘休息 Group Photo & Break
10:25~10:30 2016潮藝術簡介:艾婕音Jane Ingram Allen(US)// 2016 Keelung International Marine Art
10:30~10:45 講者:関口恒男 Tsuneo Sekiguchi(Japan)/ Environmental Art That Helps a Person Achieve Self-Understanding
10:45~11:00 講者:薏絲特 Ester Fabregat(Spain)/ Sculpture and Plastic - Air Swimmers for the Sea of Keelung
11:00~11:15 講者:史帝夫 Steve McPherson(British)/ Plastic, Our Future Archeology
11:15~11:30 講者:派崔克 Patrick Demazeau(France)/ Independent Artist, Living and working in Grand Paris
11:30~11:45 講者:雷吉娜 Regine Neumann(Canada/Germany)/ Icebergs and Art as Environmental Indicators
11:45~12:00 講者:皮歐特 Piotr Wesolowski(Poland)/ Urban Acupuncture – Ephemeral Space Arrangements
12:00~13:30 午餐時間(本論壇提供中餐,需事先完成報名)Lunch
13:35~14:00 專題演講:蘇瑤華Su Yao-Hua(Taiwan)/「環境藝術X地方發展」
14:00~14:15 講者:李怡宣 Li Yi-Shiuan (Taiwan)/ An Environmental Artwork from a Taiwanese Artist
14:15~14:30 講者:李蕢至 Li Kuei-Chih (Taiwan)/ 特定場域藝術作品分享Site-specific works sharing
14:30~14:45 講者:康雅筑 Kang Ya-Chu (Taiwan)/ 環境藝術經驗分享Environment Art Experience Sharing
14:45~15:00 講者:冉挹芬 Jan Yi-Fen (Taiwan)/ 從自然裡尋找生命的解答:關渡國際自然藝術季Finding Answers in Nature: Guandu International
15:00~15:15 講者:王昭湄 Wang Chao-Mei (Taiwan)/ 翻轉30, 在成龍預見未來Meet the Future in Chenglong, the next 30 years
15:15~15:30 茶敘休息 Break
15:30~17:00 沙發論壇 Summation and Discussion
※若對於報名系統有問題者,煩請聯絡 02-2469-0731#8852 楊小姐