Announcing the 2016 Keelung International Marine Art Project Finalists
We are happy to announce the artists selected for the art project with the theme of “Envisioning the Future of Our Oceans”.
Thank you to all of those artists around the world that submitted a proposal. We had 165 entries from artists in 49 different countries. It was very difficult to choose the artists because we had so many good proposals, and we really appreciate the time and effort everyone put into making the proposal.
The 2016 artists for the Keelung art project in Taiwan are:
Keelung Rainbow Hut
Tsuneo Sekiguchi
Japan (日本)
a hut made with driftwood and bamboo, seat inside and pool of water just in front and recycled mirror pieces in pool, hope to keep our ocean waters beautiful
Air Swimmers
Ester Fabregat
Spain (西班牙)
sculptures made with recycled plastic bags on bamboo poles, it is like windsocks to blow and change with the winds from the sea, and remind us of the human element in preserving our oceans
Steve McPherson
UK (英國
a installation of 46 buoy markers with warning flags having numbers indicating amount of plastic waste in the ocean, flags made from recycled clothing and bamboo poles with symbols created with local input
A good blow of brush to clean the ocean
Patrick Demazeau (MADE)
France (法國
giant sculptures made with bamboo poles and bamboo, reeds or other grasses as brush bristles, installed on land to raise awareness about cleaning up the oceans and humanresponsibility for care of the ocean and beach
Just the tip of the Iceberg
Regine Neumann
Canada / Japan (加拿大/日本)
a sculpture showing an iceberg form , made with bamboo or wood framing covered with white recycled fabric, reminding us of melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels
Piotr Wesolowski
Poland (波蘭)
a installation with rounded outer form of bamboo framework and inside a softer form of fabric and nets to move in wind, people can feel and view the ocean environment
Morals from Marine Creature Gods
Li Yi-shiuan 李怡宣
Taiwan (臺灣)
a multi-part installation made of bamboo framing and covered with natural stucco, scroll painting inside that visitors can pull out and see
國立海洋科技博物館繼去年辦理潮藝術活動,點燃基隆環境裝置藝術,今(105)年擴大辦理並與基隆市文化局共同主辦「2016基隆X海科 潮藝術 國際藝術季」活動,主題為「海洋未來式」,希望透過多元的活動內容,以擁抱廣闊太平洋的基隆為起點,調整與海洋對望的目光,並思索如何發展與海洋更友善、更融洽的互動關係。
「2016基隆X海科 潮藝術 國際藝術季」活動,第一階段工作於2015年12月21日至2016年2月14日進行環境裝置藝術國際徵件,共收件165件,於3月9日辦理決選作業,經與策展人Jane Ingram Allen討論,預定邀請包括西班牙、法國、波蘭、英國、加拿大、日本及臺灣等7位藝術家於5月12日至6月4日至基隆進行駐地創作;另邀請2位台灣藝術創作者康雅筑及李簣至於市民廣場及文化廣場各設置1件裝置藝術,作品以不增加環境負擔之回收素材為主,傳達藝術家對地球環境之關懷及熱愛。
Tsuneo Sekiguchi-Japan (日本)
Ester Fabregat-Spain (西班牙)
Steve McPherson-UK (英國)
Patrick Demazeau (MADE)-France (法國)
Regine Neumann-Canada / Japan (加拿大/日本)
Piotr Wesolowski-Poland (波蘭)
Li Yi-shiuan 李怡宣-Taiwan (臺灣)
2016基隆X海科 潮藝術活動網頁│
本活動發言人/經營管理組:吳玲毅 電話:(02) 24696000轉3011
新聞聯絡人/經營管理組:陳楷甯 02-24696000轉3018
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