目前台灣已記錄674種小鳥,其中有四 分之三是候鳥!北海岸,正好是各路候鳥的迎賓大門口,無論是來台灣過冬或短暫休息,都需要仰賴北海岸的自然環境。不僅如此,台灣北部的海岸與海洋,是許多濱海鳥類與海鳥的重要棲地。海岸有黑鳶和遊隼活動,近海有燕鷗和鰹鳥覓食。要探訪遠在外海的海鳥,也要從北海岸出發前往北方三島,隨時有辮足鷸和海燕飛過海面,也可能會遇到迎面而來的信天翁。北海岸多樣豐富的鳥類,正是自然環境美好的見證。
Taiwan is a vital island full of a variety of living creatures. It is a high mountain island with a mixture of hot and cold areas – a habitat for many living creatures. Taiwan also locates at the border between the tropical zone and the temperate zone, in between the mainland and the ocean – allowing many creatures to encounter each other.
So far, 674 species of birds have been recorded in Taiwan, three-quarters of which are migratory birds! The North Coast happens to be the welcome gate for all kinds of migratory birds – whether is just here for the winter season or for a short break.
Not only that, the coast and ocean in northern Taiwan are important habitats for many coastal and seabirds. Black kites and peregrine falcons are active on the coast, while terns and boobies feed off the coast. If you want to visit seabirds far away in the open sea, you also have to start from the north coast to the three northern islands. Braided sandpipers and petrels fly over the sea at any time, and you may also encounter oncoming albatrosses. The diversity of birds on the north coast is a testimony of the beauty of natural environment.
【特展資訊 Exhibition Information】
◆展出日期:111/1/21-111/11/20 (每週一休館,寒暑假及國定連續假日除外)
◆Exhibition Period: Jan 21,2022-Nov 20,2022
◆Location: Main Exhibition Building Floor 3, 2nd Special Exhibition Gallery