陸上造礁 針織珊瑚計畫特展
Earth-Bound_The crocheted reef project Exhibition
展期 Exhibition Date:2016/6/30-9/30
地點 Venue:國立海洋科技博物館主題館二樓門廳入口(免費參觀)
National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, Main Exhibition Building, 2F
駐館藝術家:Sue Bamford (駐館期間:2016.5.31~2016.7.4.)
策展人:Sue Bamford、陳麗淑
『陸上造礁__針織珊瑚』計畫,是國立海洋科技博物館與來自英國Cornwall的環境藝術工作者Sue Bamford合作,慶祝基隆望海巷潮境海灣成立資源保育區及卯澳成立漁業栽培示範區而舉辦的活動。經過四星期的努力,結合了地方社區民眾、海科館志工、以及超過五百位北北基學校的學生,一起用簡單的毛線針法,編織出各種令人驚嘆的各種珊瑚礁造型。這也證明,珊瑚礁不是一隻珊瑚就可以造成,需要群體的力量,就像本次的展出一樣,靠大家的雙手合作展出這麼多漂亮的針織珊瑚作品。 透過本次群策群力合作編織出的漂亮珊瑚礁展品,希望能喚醒更多人對於珊瑚保育的概念,同時了解海洋保育區及示範區的重要,建立一個更乾淨、更健康海洋環境。
Earthbound: a Crocheted Coral Reef' is a project between the NMMST and environmental artist Sue Bamford, from Cornwall in the UK, to celebrate the establishment of a marine protection area in Keelung and in New Taipei. Over four weeks community volunteers and over 500 local school children have built a land-based reef from yarn, proving that in the same way that reef is not a single animal, our yarn reef is the product of many hands. These woolly creations are made from simple crochet techniques to create exciting sculptural shapes inspired by the various forms of coral. The aim of the reef is to raise awareness of the importance of the 'no take zone' in Keelung and that it is only through working together that we can build a cleaner, healthier marine environment.
八斗國小、八堵國小、正濱國小、中和國小、碇內國小、澳底國小、野柳國小、 成功國中、福營國中、八斗高中、南湖高中、暖暖高中針織社、太平洋汎扎萊社區、海科館志工隊、雞籠松柏長青協會、長潭里發展協會