“臺灣,是一座海島,是沉睡在太平洋灣岸的美麗鯨魚。而這隻島鯨的生與死,或許就掌握在我們手中。當海島子民學會重新擁抱海洋,地球上的諸多生命是否會因此而有什麼不同?” 2011年3月11日,日本發生了大地震,繼而引發海嘯及核災等複合型災害。災變後一年,日本藝術家武谷大介帶著即將送進棄置場銷毀的35個賑災用日式書包開啟行動藝術創作,本展覽以《島居:海島子民的N種永續生活》為題,展出計畫在台灣的成果。 “臺灣,是一座海島,是沉睡在太平洋灣岸的美麗鯨魚。而這隻島鯨的生與死,或許就掌握在我們手中。當海島子民學會重新擁抱海洋,地球上的諸多生命是否會因此而有什麼不同?”
2011年3月11日,日本發生了史無前例的大地震,繼而引發海嘯及核災等複合型災害。災變後一年,日本藝術家武谷大介Daisuke Takeya帶著即將送進棄置場銷毀的35個賑災用日式書包開啟行動藝術創作,由日本為起點周遊亞洲各國,並與其他國家的藝術家們交流、共創,試圖以承載著希望、創意與省思的學生書包,喚起大家對環境災害的重視。
“Taiwan is an island, a beautiful whale sleeping soundly off the Pacific coast, with its future possibilities in our hands.””
In 2020, many schools have cancelled field trips due to concerns over COVID-19. Nevertheless, partnership between the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology and Keelung Arts and Humanities Education Advisory Group has brought these backpacks to multiple campuses, including National Keelung Senior High School, National Keelung Girls' Senior High School, Ding-Nei Junior High School, Chung-Cheng Junior High School, Cheng-Bin Elementary School, Shen-Mei Elementary School and Dong-Guang Elementary School, which shortens the distance between students of different ages and artworks from international artists.
Aided by course resources and learning environment at school, the initiative helps students think about how natural disasters can impact their life. During the semester, participating artists visit schools to share their views on related issues, interact with students, and create ocean-themed backpack art unique to Taiwan. The exhibition features not only previous work created overseas, but backpack artworks by four groups of Taiwan-based artists and local students which center around "Environment", ''Education'', "Social Relationships" as well as "Taiwan & Southeast Asia" respectively. Through the lens of contemporary art, it is an attempt to respond to issues on ocean and sustainability that are pertinent to h umanity.
As a participatory art project, Field Trip Project Asia in Taiwan will end its years-long journey overseas in 2021 with an exhibition in Japan, where it all began. We hope the students’ backpacks could serve as an issue carrier that explores relations among humans, the ocean and nature and opens discussions over various issues. In this exhibition, it uses four sub-themes: "Environment," "Education," "Social Relationships," and "Taiwan & Southeast Asia," to respond to the Great East Japan Earthquake, and remind Taiwan's situation: if Southeast Asia, which is linked to Japan in Northeast Asia, is caught in a sea of ocean reflux, will similar disasters occur? In Taiwan, where we live together as an island nation, how can we re-identify our position, look outside the South Pacific, repair social relations, and through the education strategy to create more dialogue and implementation in the face of past, present, and future environmental issues, to find a way to live sustainable here?
▍ 時間:9/18(五) 13:00-16:00
▍ 地點:國立海洋科技博物館 主題館3F 簡報室
▍ 講師:許方瑜
▍ 報名連結:https://forms.gle/T4qgZMJj8XRiiuvK6 (限額30人,攜帶14歲以下孩童共同參與工作坊之親子算一人)
▍ 時間:10.24 (六) 14:00-16:00
▍ 地點:研究典藏中心3F實驗室(G307)
▍ 講師:陳冠如
▍ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/aQgB4 (限額30名,攜帶14歲以下孩童共同參與工作坊之親子算一人)
海底世界的造礁珊瑚是大自然的建築師,珊瑚礁美麗的紋路也成了許多設計師作品的靈感來源。就讓我們一同加入創意設計的行列吧! 將如煙火般的珊瑚蟲骨骼拓印在衣服上,重新賦予海洋資源新生命,本活動在創意手作過程中增加了自己的海洋知識,也將衣物再造,賦予新視覺設計。
▍ 時間:10.31 (六) 10:00-12:00
▍ 地點:教育中心(海洋實驗室B110)
▍ 講師:杜侑哲
▍ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/aQgB4 (限額30名,攜帶14歲以下孩童共同參與工作坊之親子算一人)
▍ 時間:11.14 (六) 14:00-16:00
▍ 地點:主題館3F 簡報室
▍ 講者:陳德豪 博士 (國立海洋生物博物館副館長)
▍ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/wKv1r (限額50名)
▍ 時間:11.14 (六) 10:00-12:00
▍ 地點:主題館3F簡報室
▍ 講者:陳美琪 (好廢專案經理)
▍ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/wKv1r (限額50名)