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蘇蜂鈞 發佈日期:100/11/09 點閱數:22146 分享到FB社群網站
蘇蜂鈞(Su, Feng-Chun) 助理研究員


1998學士 私立大同大學電機工程系
2002碩士 國立台灣海洋大學海洋科學系
2008博士 國立台灣海洋大學海洋環境資訊系


► 任務分工及目前進行工作


一、 研究:
  1. 海洋內波
  2. 全球變遷
  3. 黑潮
  4. 衛星遙感探測
  5. 海洋科學教具研發
二、 業務:
  1. 規劃辦理海洋科學相關科學教育活動
  2. 發展本館海洋科學教案及教具研發
  3. 規劃特展展示內容
  4. 辦理本館出版業務
  5. 辦理本館營運管理資訊系統之籌建業務
► 研究著作
  1. Liu, A. K., F.-C. Su*, M. K. Hsu, C. R. Ho, and N. J. Kuo (2013). Generation and Evolution of Mode-Two Internal Waves in the Ocean, Continental Shelf Research, 59, 18-27, 10.1016/j.csr.2013.02.009 (SCI).
  2. Chen, G.–Y., F.-C. Su*, C.-M. Wang, C.-T. Liu, R.-S. Tseng (2011). Derivation of Internal Solitary Wave Amplitude in the South China Sea Deep Basin from Satellite Images, Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-011-0073-9 (SCI).
  3. Lee, Y.-h., C.-R. Ho*, F.–C. Su, N. –J. Kuo,and Y.-H. Cheng (2011), The Use of Neural Networks in Identifying Error Sources in Satellite-Derived Tropical SST Estimates, Sensors 2011, 11, 7530-7544; doi:10.3390/s110807530 (SCI).
  4. Zheng, Q. *, C. K. Tai, J. Y. Hu, F.–C. Su, and X. F. Yang (2011). Satellite Altimeter Observation and Dynamical Analysis of Eddy-Kuroshio Interaction at the Luzon Strait. Journal of Oceanography, 67, 365–376, DOI 10.1007/s10872-011-0035-2 (SCI).
  5. F.–C. Su., R.-S. Tseng*, C.-R. Ho, Y.-H. Lee, and Q. Zheng (2010). Detecting surface Kuroshio front from multi-channel satellite data using neural networks. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7, 718-722 (SCI).
  6. Ho, C.-R.*, Q. Zheng, Z.-W. Zheng, N.-J. Kuo, C.-K. Tai, and F.–C. Su (2009). Reply to comment by A. Wada et al. on "Importance of pre-existing oceanic conditions to upper ocean response induced by Super Typhoon Hai-Tang", Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2009GL037443 (SCI).
  7. F.–C. Su., C.-R. Ho*, Q. Zheng, and N.-J. Kuo (2008). Estimating amplitudes of internal Waves using satellite ocean colour imagery of South China Sea, Int. J. Remote Sens., 29, 6373-6380 (SCI).
  8. F.–C. Su., C.-R. Ho*, Q. Zheng, N.-J. Kuo, and C.-T. Chen (2006). Satellite chlorophyll retrievals with a bipartite artificial neural network model, Int. J. Remote Sens., 27, 1563-1579 (SCI).
  1. Ho, C.-R.*, F.-C., Su, N.-J., Kuo, C.-C., Tsao, and Q. Zheng (2009). Internal Wave Observations in the Northern South China Sea from Satellite Ocean Color Imagery., doi: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2009.5278324 (EI).
  2. 邵煥傑, 蘇蜂鈞, 楊財銘, 曾若玄 (2008). 下放式 ADCP 觀測海流剖面的誤差分析, 第十屆水下技術研討會暨國科會成果發表會, 高雄市, p473-480.
  3. 梁家睿、曾若玄、 蘇蜂鈞 (2008). 東沙東北部內孤立波與高屏海底峽谷內潮之流場觀測,第 30 屆海洋工程研討會論文集, 新竹市, p.607-612
  4. Su, F.-C., C.-R. Ho, Q. Zheng and N.-J. Kuo (2006). “Internal wave on satellite color images”, ISRS2006PORSEC, 2-4 November 2006, Busan, Korea .
  5. Ho, C.-R.*, F.-C. Su, N.-J. Kuo, S.-J. Huang, C.-T. Chen, and Q. Zheng (2006). Detecting internal waves from satellite ocean color imagery, Proc. of OMAE2006, OMAE2006-92177, 1-8 (EI).
  6. Kuo, N.-J.*, C.-R. Ho, Q. Zheng, F.-C. Su, Y.-T. Lo, C.-C. Tsao (2006) Satellite-derived chlorophyll-a concentration in the Taiwan Strait, Proc. of SPIE, 6360, doi:10.1117/12.689205 (EI).
  7. Ho, C.-R.*, Kuo, N.-J., S.-C. Liu, F.-C. Su, C.-C. Tsao, M.-K. Hsu (2006) Satellite observations of oil spill in the waters adjacent to Taiwan, Proc. of SPIE, 6360, doi:10.1117/12.689264 (EI).
  8. Su, F.-C., C.-R. Ho*, and N.-J. Kuo (2005). Application of a multiplayer perceptron neural network to phytoplankton concentration using marine reflectance measures, Proc. of SPIE, 5656, 13-20 (EI).
  9. Su, F.-C., C.-R. Ho, N.-J. Kuo and S.-J. Huang (2005). Observation of internal solitary waves with ocean color imagery, The 16th APEC Workshop of Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region, 15-1~15-5, 31 October - 4 November 2005, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  1. 蘇蜂鈞, "黑潮的前世今生與未來", 科學發展,第507期,pp.6-13,科技部,2015.3。(已接受,校稿中)
  2. Ho, C.-R., F.-C. Su and Quanan Zheng (2008). Observations of Internal Waves in the South China Sea from Satellite Chlorophyll Image, Satellite Remote Sensing of South China Sea, A. K. Liu, C. R. Ho and C. T. Liu (ed.), 81-94.
  3. Ho, C.-R., N.-J. Kuo, S.-J. Huang and F.-C. Su (2005). Sea surface temperature trends in the water adjacent to Taiwan, in Progress in Climate Change, Impact, Adaptation and sustainable Development Research, C.-M. Liu (ed.), 35-42 (in Chinese).

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