王慎之(Wang, Shen-Chih)助理研究員 | ||
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► 期刊論文
1. Wang, S.C. and S.C. Shen (1991) Redescription and designation of neotype for Sardinella hualiensis (CHU & TSAI,1958) (Pisces:Clupeidae). Bull. Inst. Zool.,Academia Sinica 30(1):59-62. 2. Wang, S.C., J.P. Chen, and K.T. Shao (1994) Four new records of labrid fishes (Pisces: Labridae) from Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica. 5(1): 41-45. 3. Wang, S.C., K.T. Shao, and S.C. Shen (1996) Enneapterygius cheni, a new triplefin fish (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from Taiwan. Acta. Zoologica Taiwanica. 7(1): 79-83. 4. Ho, LT., Wang, SC., Shao, KT. et al. (2020) A long-term monitoring dataset of fish assemblages in rocky tidepools on the northern coast of Taiwan. Sci Data 7, 84. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0425-7 5. Wang, S.C. and Chen, I-S. (2022) A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius lianchengensis (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Minjiang river basin, Fujian Province, China. Zootaxa 5189 (1): 045–056. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.7 6. Chen, I-S., Wang, SC & Shao, KT. (2022) A new freshwater gobiid species of Rhinogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei: Gobiidae)from northern Taiwan. Zootaxa 5189 (1): 029–044. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.6 7. Chen, I-S., Wang, SC., Chen, KY. & Shao, KT. (2022) A new freshwater goby of Rhinogobius lingtongyanensis (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Dongshi river basin, Fujian Province, southeastern China. Zootaxa 5189 (1):018-028. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.5 8. Ho, LT., Wang, SC., Shao, KT. et al. (2022) Long-term monitoring dataset of fish assemblages in rocky tidepools on the southern coast of Taiwan. Sci Data 9, 639. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01778-5 9. I-Shiung Chen, Yu-Ting Ren, Guo-Chen Jiang, Shen-Chih Wang & Chih-Wei Chang (2024) Three new species of Luciogobius Gill (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa 5550 (1): 200–212 https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5550.1.20 10. Ming-Fon Yeh, Nian-Hong Jang-Liaw, Shih-Tsang Chang, Chiao-Chuan Han, Lin-Tai Ho & Shen-Chih Wang (2024) Pararasbora moltrechti Regan, 1908, a senior synonym of Aphyocypris amnis Liao et al., 2011 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Taiwan with morphological and molecular evidence. Zootaxa 5550 (1): 271–277 https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5550.1.27 11. I-Shiung Chen, Kwang-Yiao Chen & Shen-Chih Wang (2024) A new freshwater goby of Rhinogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Jangshi basin, Fujian Province, southeastern China. Zootaxa 5550 (1): 369–380 https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5550.1.37
1. Shao, K.T., J.P. Chen, and S.C. Wang (1997) Distribution and database of fishes in Taiwan waters. Proc. Of the 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conferences in Seret ed. 5th IPFC, Noumea, New Caledonia. Nov. 1-8, 1997. 2. Shao, K.T., S.C. Wang, and S.H. Lee (1997) Fish database in Taiwan. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium special meeting in Taipei. Feb. 17-19. 1997. 3. Shao, K.T.*, J.P. Chen and S.C. Wang (1998) Biogeography and Database of Marine Fishes in Taiwan Waters. Proc. 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conf. Noumea 1997, Seret B. & J.Y. Sire, eds. Paris: Soc. Fr. Ichthyol., 1998: 1-8. 4. 張明雄、王慎之、邵廣昭 (1999) 生物整合指標(IBI)在台灣的應用:以後龍溪中上游水體環境為例。中國生物學會88年度論文發表會。台灣省特有生物研究保育中心,1999.1.22-23。 5. 王慎之,何林泰,邵廣昭,陳正平(2002) 台灣北部發現的一種新翼棘蝦虎魚。2002年魚類學學術研討會 6. 何林泰,王慎之,邵廣昭(2002) 台灣南北潮間帶魚類群聚結構三十年來之變遷。2002年魚類學學術研討會 7. 何林泰,邵廣昭,王慎之(2005) 台灣南北潮間帶魚類群聚結構之變遷。「海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會」,2005.02,清華大學。 8. Wang, SC. and Chen, I-S.(2023) Taxonomic revision of freshwater gobiid genus.Rhinogobius Gill,1859 in the Minjiang basin,Fujian province,China with comments of underscribed species. International Symposium of Tropical Fish Biodiversity and Conservation (ISTFBC 2023 )
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