倪紳煬、宋祚忠*、葉佳承(2023,3月)。以數位科技導入博物館實境遊戲教學於改善學生環境素養之成效初探。發表於第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2023)。墾丁福華渡假飯店,屏東縣。2023.03.09-10。
Yeh, C. C.*, Sung, T. C. & Chen, L. S. (2019, September). Science Museums as Spaces for Promoting and
Practicing Science Education Reforms, Paper posted at the 2019 International Council
of Museums. Kyoto, Japan.
Yeh, C. C.*, Sung, T. C., Ku, C. H. & Chen, L. S. (2018, November). Supporting Students" Learning of Buoyancy through Guided Inquiry Activities, Paper presented at the 2018 International Symposium on Education and Psychology - Fall Session. Kyoto, Japan.
Yeh, C. C.*, Ku, C. H., Chen, W. C., Sung, T. C., & Chen, L. S. (2017, August). Effect of Low Achieved Students in Game-based Experience on Coral Protection Issue. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association. Dublin, Ireland.
Yeh, C. C.*, Ku, C. H. & Chen, L. S. (2017 July). Exploring College Students' Positioning through Collaborative Sense-Making around Socio-Scientific Issues. Paper presented at the 2017 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning. Hiroshima, Japan.
宋祚忠*、葉佳承、陳麗淑(2016, 12月)。非制式創新教學方式於增進在職教師浮力與船舶穩度概念的學習成效研究。發表於2016第32屆科學教育國際研討會:一日學科學,終身愛科學。臺中市:國立自然科學博物館。
Yeh, C. C.*, Ku, C. H., Sung, T. C., Chen, L. S., & Su, W. J.(2016, August). Scaffolding the Concept of Density for Elementary School Students with Guided Inquiry Strategy. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
Sung, T. C.*, Yeh, C. C., Lin, M. I., Su, W. J., & Chen, L. S. (2016, August). Using Multiple Teaching Strategies to Improve In-service Teachers' Understanding of Buoyancy and Ship Stability. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
Lin, M. I.*, Chang, K. H., & Yeh, C. C. (2016, August). The effect of game-based learning on the marine environmental protection issue. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
Yeh, C. C.*, Ku, C. H., Sung, T. C., & Chen, L. S. (2015,12月)。Using the POE Strategy to Improve Students' Understanding of Balance between Gravity and Buoyancy. 發表於2015第31屆科學教育國際研討會:雲端下的科學教育。屏東縣:墾丁福華飯店。
Sung, T. C.*, Yeh, C. C., & Chen, L. S. (2015,12月)。科學志工教育訓練成效-以國立海洋科技博物館船舶與海洋工程廳導覽志工培訓為例。發表於2015第31屆科學教育國際研討會:雲端下的科學教育。屏東縣:墾丁福華飯店。
Lin, M. I.*, Yeh, C. C., & Chen L. S. (2015,12月)。密室脫逃實境遊戲應用於海洋廢棄物議題教學之研究。發表於2015第31屆科學教育國際研討會:雲端下的科學教育。屏東縣:墾丁福華飯店。
Yeh, C. C.*, Ku, C. H., Sung, T. C., & Chang, K. H. (2015, August). Why It Slide down and float up? Students’ Understanding of the Movement of Autonomous Underwater Glider. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning. Fukuoka, Japan.
Sung, T. C.*, Yeh, C. C., Chen, L, S., & Lin, M. I. (2015, August). The Situated Learning Example for Volunteer Docents Training of a Scientific Museum. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning. Fukuoka, Japan.
Lin, M.I.*, Yeh, C. C., Sung, T. C., & Chang, K. H. (2015, August). A Real-life Room Escape Game Design for Marine Debris Education. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning. Fukuoka, Japan.
楊文金*、范賢娟、葉佳承、李哲迪(2010,12月)。國中學生對「分為」一詞之語意理解。發表於Global Chinese Conference on Science Education 2010。香港:香港教育學院。
范賢娟*、楊文金(2010,12月)。科學論述中文言到白話過度之研究—以牛頓第一運動定律為例。發表於Global Chinese Conference on Science Education 2010。香港:香港教育學院。
葉佳承*、楊文金(2010,12月)。兩篇「能量塔」文本之比較分析研究。發表於Global Chinese Conference on Science Education 2010。香港:香港教育學院。
Liao, P. L.*, Yang, W. G., Yeh, C. C., & Huang, P. S. (2010, July). An Exploration of the Linguistic Nature of the Reading Difficulties Encountered by an Atayal Student. Paper presented at the Australian Science Education Research Association Conference. New South Wales, Australia.
Yeh, C. C.*, & Yang, W. G. (2009, July). The Effects of Science Texts on Students’ Reading Comprehension. Paper presented at the 2009 Australian Science Education Research Association Conference. Geelong, Australia.
楊文金*、葉佳承、林芯聿、周婉綺(2008,12月)。The Effects on Learning Outcome of Integrating 'Language Games' into Ecosystem Teaching。發表於中華民國第二十四屆科學教育學術研討會。彰化市:彰化師範大學。
葉佳承*、楊文金(2008,12月)。Research on the Effects of Different Science Texts on Students' Reading Comprehension and Reasoning。發表於中華民國第二十四屆科學教育學術研討會。彰化市:彰化師範大學。
Yeh, C. C.*, Yang, W. G., Lin, H. Y., & Lai, T. L. (2008, February). An Exploration of the Effects of Different Versions of Science Text on the Vicissitudes Students’ Misconception on “Nutrition and Plant Leaves.” Paper presented at the Conference of Asian Science Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Yeh, C. C.*, Yang, W. G., Lin H. Y., & Lai, T. L. (2008, January). An Exploration of the Effects of Science Texts on Students’ Misconceptions on ‘Nutrition and Plant Leaves’. Paper presented in Fifth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Udon Thani, Thailand.