人事室 | Personnel Office |
人事管理員 | Personnel Officer |
中央氣象署 | Central Weather Administration |
公佈欄 | Bulletin Board |
政風 | Government Ethics |
政風室 | Government Ethics Office |
約聘人員 | Contract Employee |
秘書 | Secretary |
副處長 | Deputy Director |
處長 | Director |
會計室 | Accounting Office |
會計員 | Accounting Officer |
解說教育課 | Interpretation And Eduction Section |
解說牌 | Instruction |
管理站主任 | Station Chief |
課長 | Chief |
課員 | Officer |
人事室Personnel Office |
人事管理員Personnel Officer |
中央氣象署Central Weather Administration |
公佈欄Bulletin Board |
政風Government Ethics |
政風室Government Ethics Office |
約聘人員Contract Employee |
秘書Secretary |
副處長Deputy Director |
處長Director |
會計室Accounting Office |
會計員Accounting Officer |
解說教育課Interpretation And Eduction Section |
解說牌Instruction |
管理站主任Station Chief |
課長Chief |
課員Officer |